Central and Eastern Europe, Energy and Climate, Papers Energieverbrauch in der Ukraine: Weniger ist mehr Link 17. Januar 2009 wp_admin Energieverbrauch in der Ukraine: Weniger ist mehr
Academic, Energy and Climate, Papers A Markov Switching Model of the Merit Order to Compare British and German Price Formation Link 19. Mai 2008 wp_admin A Markov Switching Model of the Merit Order to Compare British and German Price Formation
Academic, Central and Eastern Europe, Energy and Climate, Papers Convergence of Electricity Wholesale Prices in Europe? – A Kalman Filter Approach Link 17. April 2008 wp_admin Convergence of Electricity Wholesale Prices in Europe? – A Kalman Filter Approach
Academic, Central and Eastern Europe, Energy and Climate, Papers First Evidence of Asymmetric Cost Pass-through of EU Emissions Allowances: Examining Wholesale Electricity Prices in Germany Link 17. März 2008 wp_admin First Evidence of Asymmetric Cost Pass-through of EU Emissions Allowances: Examining Wholesale Electricity Prices in Germany
Central and Eastern Europe, Energy and Climate, Papers The case for tariff differentiation in the Belarusian electricity sector Link 15. Februar 2008 wp_admin The case for tariff differentiation in the Belarusian electricity sector
Central and Eastern Europe, Energy and Climate, Papers Restructuring the Belarusian Electricity Sector: Setting the Agenda Link 15. Januar 2008 wp_admin Restructuring the Belarusian Electricity Sector: Setting the Agenda
Central and Eastern Europe, Energy and Climate, Papers Strom Länderberichte Mittelosteuropa und Umweltschutz als Kostenfaktor in den Neuen Mitgliedsländern Link 16. Juli 2007 wp_admin Strom Länderberichte Mittelosteuropa und Umweltschutz als Kostenfaktor in den Neuen Mitgliedsländern
Energy and Climate, Papers Preisbildung und Marktmacht auf den Elektrizitätsmärkten in Deutschland Link 19. Januar 2007 wp_admin Preisbildung und Marktmacht auf den Elektrizitätsmärkten in Deutschland
Others, Papers DIW Weekly Bulletin on the German EU Presidency Link 19. Juni 2006 wp_admin DIW Weekly Bulletin on the German EU Presidency