Georgia’s economic specialisation: Present and future
Making low-carbon technology support smarter
When and how to support renewables - letting the data speak
Rebalancing the EU-Russia-Ukraine gas relationship
Elements of Europe's energy union
Memo to the new Commissioner for Climate Policy
Memo to the new Commissioner for Energy
Can Ukraine secure enough gas for the winter? A scenario analysis
Evaluating the options to diversify gas supply in Ukraine
When and how to support renewables? Letting the data speak
Electricity without borders: a plan to make the internal market work
Electricity infrastructure - More border crossings or a borderless Europe?
A stochastic fuel switching model for electricity prices
Private long-term investment in uncertain times
Investment and growth in the time of climate change
How wide is the Mediterrenean?
Cutting carbon, not the economy
The great transformation: decarbonising Europe’s energy and transport
Retailers' risk management and vertical arrangements in electricity markets
Emission Trading as a Catalyst for Energy Efficiency Improvements: Options and Potential for Moldova
Assessing the impact of the EU ETS using firm level data
Eastern European lessons for the Southern Mediterranean
Green exports and the global product space: Prospects for EU industrial policy
Is European climate policy the new CAP?
Reconciling the Single Market Objective with the Renewable Energy Objective
Rare earth - no case for government intervention
Catching the maximum market value of electricity storage – technical, economic and regulatory aspect
The Dynamics of Global Crude Oil Production
Inefficient arbitrage in inter-regional electricity transmission
Implications of recent developments in global and European natural gas markets for Ukraine
Electricity Sector in Moldova: Evaluation of strategic options
Energieverbrauch in der Ukraine: Weniger ist mehr
A sensitivity analysis of economic value of different electricity storage technologies
HHI, an irrelevant indicator without a relevant market
Expected vs. Observed Storage Usage: Limits to Intertemporal Arbitrage
Ensuring EU Enlargement to New Member States
Eastern Partnership: Prospects for intensifying the Belarus - EU relations in the energy sector?
The Belarusian Electricity Sector: Financing Sources for Investments
Exporting electricity to the EU - more than switching frequencies
Restructuring the Belarusian Electricity Sector: Setting the Agenda
The case for tariff differentiation in the Belarusian electricity sector
Convergence of Electricity Wholesale Prices in Europe?
A Markov Switching Model of the Merit Order to Compare British and German Price Formation
Preisbildung und Marktmacht auf den Elektrizitätsmärkten in Deutschland
Strom Länderberichte Mittelosteuropa
DIW Weekly Bulletin on the German EU Presidency